Sunday, November 15, 2009

Health Care

The government should not run our health care. It should be left to private companies, and sure some sort of coverage by the government, but not completely. Yes, health insurance companies have some serious problems with their plans, but will a government-run health care plan really solve all our problems? The answer, no it won't.

The cost of this health care plan is already looking to be in the trillions. Can we, as Americans, really afford this total? Especially when we are spending large sums of money overseas in the different wars we are in. And our national debt is already, according to zfacts, about 8 trillion dollars. And the cost of this health care plan will be paid for in rises in taxes and cuts to other programs. According to Mike Huckabee, 'Government doesn't have to compete; it doesn't have to be successful; it doesn't have to make a profit or be efficient, and it doesn't even have to work very well. And, if it doesn't work, it won't necessarily change or go out of business -- but you'll still be paying for it.'

Another problem is that more people would go to see a doctor for more things that they would normally not, because it would be free. Doctors would end up spending more time with people that did not have serious needs, then people that actually do have needs that require medical attention. And because more people will go to see doctors then there will be longer waits to actually see the doctor. The waiting lines would increase drastically and the people needing attention would be forced to wait for a long period of time. Click here for more information.

So is government-run health care really the best idea for America right now?

1 comment:

Taylor H. said...

'Government doesn't have to compete; it doesn't have to be successful; it doesn't have to make a profit or be efficient, and it doesn't even have to work very well. And, if it doesn't work, it won't necessarily change or go out of business -- but you'll still be paying for it.

Government does have to compete. The Gov. competes with other countries. Healthcare is a large drag on the economy, which competes with the world.

If the Gov. isn't successful the incumbents and majority party are voted out and ostracized. And in extreme cases if the Gov. fails it is overthrown.

If the Gov. doesn't make a profit the Gov. fails and creates another drag.

If the Gov. doesn't work it won't change or go out of business. Wrong. The U.S. Postal Service is facing budget issues yet doesn't run off of tax payer dollars. It is self-sufficient. If the U.S.P.S. doesn't change it will go out of business.